
It took decades for steel to take hold as a part of the stair parts repertoire. Finding the right combination between wood and steel was challenging because of its charmless features. Once considered cold and industrial now finds its way into individual homes, giving it a new take on modern design while exuding an air of new wealth.

Our steel parts are divvied up simply: posts, handrail, rods (balusters), rod holders, saddles, and glass clamps (we do not sell glass at this time). Installers must measure, cut, and drill to size using a different set of skill and tools compare to working with wood.

Handrails and Rods

Glass Clamps

Once found only in shopping malls and office towers, glass paneling have transcended into private homes.

Glass clamps come in square or “D” shapes and fit to either flat or rounded surfaces.

They fit 1/2” thick glass panels.

We do not sell glass panels at this time.

Ask for quote and availability

